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Amazing Artefacts Home Educators (5)


Welcome to the Autumn Season of Amazing Artefacts – Home Educators Monthly Sessions!
Each month, we will take part in a variety of different hands on activities inspired by one or more items from the collections. Each season, we will explore a new theme, which for the Autumn Season will be ‘History Detectives – how do we learn about the past?’. We will explore different research sources and approaches to learning about our history, from census records to archaeology, in order to introduce some of the skills needed for historical research.

Dates and Times
Autumn season dates and times are as follows:
Wednesday 11th September (10:30-11:30 Juniors, 12-1 Seniors)
Wednesday 9th October (10:30-11:30 Juniors, 12-1 Seniors)
Wednesday 13th November (10:30-11:30 Juniors, 12-1 Seniors)

Ages and Abilities
Sessions are designed to be active and accessible for a mix of ages and abilities with 2 separate sessions for younger or older children. The morning session will be aimed at slightly younger children aged approximately 5-8 or approximately key stage 1, nicknamed our Juniors, and the afternoon session will be aimed at the slightly older children aged approximately 9+ or approximately key stage 2, nicknamed our Seniors. If you would like to attend as a family group with mixed ages, then just pick whichever session you feel would be most suitable for the group as a whole.
If you would like to let us know about any specific considerations for your children then we would welcome this, just get in touch.

Accompanying Adults
Tickets need to be purchased for each child attending, but grown ups do not need to purchase a separate ticket. It usually works best for the younger or less confident children if grown ups stay and join in with activities. Whereas for older or more confident children it is usually fine for grown ups to not stay in the session, although they will need to stay within the museum building whilst the session is taking place.

Price and How to Book
Tickets cost £18 per child for the 3 month seasonal block and can be booked via Ticketsource or by popping into or phoning the museum directly.
The seasons work best when booked as a 3 month block as all the learning ties in together and learners can get familiar with who the other attendees will be joining for a season. The sessions don’t require any pre-existing knowledge in order to enjoy them, so if you aren’t sure whether you can attend all 3 sessions it doesn’t prohibit you from enjoying the other 2 and we advise still booking the season. It does work out cheaper per session to book all three together rather than paying for 3 single sessions on the day and it means that you know there will be a space reserved for you rather than risking being turned away on the day if the session is full (we keep maximum numbers restricted to enable more 1-2-1 engagement).

Attendees will be encouraged to continue their learning at home between sessions by utilising links and resources emailed out.

Rusty Club (YAC) Membership – Please note that we do some of the same crafts or activities in Rusty Club sessions as we do in Home Educator sessions, so if you decide to join in with both programmes there may be some sessions with duplicated topics, so we tend to advise choosing one programme or the other.


Weston Museum
01934 621028
View Organiser Website


Weston Museum
Burlington Street
Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS23 1PR United Kingdom
+ Google Map
01934 621028
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