
The Museum’s reminiscence service is organised by volunteers and staff. We are passionate about how remembering the past can bring a great deal of satisfaction and understanding to all ages. Reviving forgotten memories of key milestones of a person’s life can improve communication, raise self-esteem and encourage family engagement.

Handling Box Sessions

Care homes and memory cafes can borrow a themed memory box to use with their residents or service users. Each box contains items a range of items including historic objects and printed materials. There are suggestions for use inside and also activities such as a poem or quiz. The handling boxes include the themes: In the Home, Kitchen, Seaside & Holidays, Beauty & Fashion, Royalty, Sweet Shop, Work & Transport, Hobbies & Leisure, Childhood and School. 

Mo Reminiscence

Make a Booking

You can hire a box for a 2-week period. Please contact the Customer Services Assistant for a booking form. The loan is free but there is a suggested donation of £25.00 (cheques to be made payable to Weston-super-Mare Town Council or cash to Weston Museum).

We also ask that you complete a feedback form after your loan, to maintain the quality of the loan’s service.

All boxes are quarantined for at least 72 hours before use following our Covid 19 safety procedures.

Dementia friendly logo

Digital – Reminiscence Activity Pack

The reminiscence pack has been inspired by our work with active living groups and residential homes.  It is to encourage living history conversations over the telephone, online or even a letter!

Information Sheet (PDF) Size
Reminiscence-Activity-Pack 6mb


If your group or organisation is looking for a guest speaker, the Museum Community and Heritage Officer is available to come out and talk about the history and current work of the museum.  The talk lasts about 45 minutes with time for questions at the end. It is free of charge, but donations to the museum are always welcome.

If you would like to be a part of the Museum’s reminiscence service, please apply to become one of our volunteers.