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Join the Environment Agency for an informative presentation and Q&A session on how flood risk is managed in Weston-super-Mare and how to prepare for flooding.

As part of Defra and the Environment Agency’s Weston super Mare Flood Awareness Campaign, a Coastal Engineer from the Environment Agency will be giving a presentation on the background to why the Severn Estuary is at risk and the history of past flood events. We will cover the defences that have been built and how they are managed, as well as what the future might hold with the impacts of climate change. Come along and learn what you can do to prepare for and become more resilient to flooding. We will be joined by a representative from North Somerset council and there will be time at the end for your questions.


19:00 – 19:45: Presentation by an Environmental Agency Coastal Engineer
19:45 – 20:30: Q&A Session


All are welcome, but please do book your free space by visiting the link here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/environment-agency-flood-risk-management-presentation-and-qa-tickets-781253870357?aff=oddtdtcreator

Guest Notice:

Weston Museum is the host venue for this talk, any questions or queries in relation to this evening must be sent to the Environment Agency.


Weston Museum
Burlington Street
Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS23 1PR United Kingdom
+ Google Map
01934 621028
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