Spend a relaxed and social evening trying out two different craft workshops, with refreshments in between. Explore both the history and practise of two craft techniques with experienced crafters to guide you and then have a go yourself at creating an item to take home. In September’s workshop you can explore textiles and making sugarcraft models. Each workshop lasts 45 minutes broken by a 30 minute break for a choice of hot drink and a sweet treat.
Workshops are best suited to adults or older teenagers, but they don’t require any previous experience of the craft, even complete beginners are welcome. Tickets cost £25 per attendee and include both workshops, plus materials and refreshments. They can be purchased via Ticketsource or by calling or popping in to the museum. Pre-booking is essential.
For more information, contact the museum team on 01934 621028 or museum@wsm-tc.gov.uk